Meet Zero - 5 Simpler Ways to Host Greener Events

Hello, eco-conscious businesses! Are you tired of watching the trash pile up at your events? Want to make a positive impact on the environment while still throwing an awesome event? Fear not! There are plenty of ways to make your events more sustainable and eco-friendly. From ditching disposables to keeping it local, here are five key points that'll help you green up your next event. Plus, we'll share real-life examples of companies that have successfully implemented these strategies. Let’s get started!

1. Say No to Single-use Plastics

We've all seen it before—stacks of plastic cups, plates, and utensils piled high after an event. There’s a better way! Switch to reusable or biodegradable items to reduce waste and promote sustainability. At the 2019 Dell Technologies World Conference in Las Vegas, Dell partnered with Loop to provide reusable packaging for food and beverages. They also swapped single-use plastics for reusable cups and bottles. Way to go, Dell!

2. Go Digital

Ditch the flyers, pamphlets, and posters and embrace digital resources! Using contactless business cards, mobile apps, and digital signage reduces paper waste. Adobe did just that at their 2020 Summit in Las Vegas. Attendees brought reusable water bottles and used digital signage and online resources for event information. The result? Less paper waste and a tech-savvy, eco-friendly event.

3. Keep It Local

Support your community and reduce your carbon footprint by sourcing ingredients and materials locally. The 2021 Food for Good Forum in Dubai did just that, sourcing meals from local farms and using compostable food containers and utensils made from recycled materials. Yum and eco-friendly? Sign us up!

4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

It’s the three R’s of sustainability: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The 2019 Sustainable Brands Conference in Paris followed this mantra by providing clearly labeled recycling and composting bins. They also reused decorations and donated leftover food to a local food bank. That’s what happens when eco-minded organizations meet!

5. Spread the Word

Use your event as an opportunity to promote sustainability and educate attendees on environmental issues. The 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, did just that by focusing on sustainable practices, reducing waste, using renewable energy, and encouraging attendees to use digital resources instead of printed materials.

By implementing these strategies, you can reduce your environmental impact and promote sustainability while still hosting an amazing event. Let’s meet in person—like we thankfully can in 2024—but in a sustainable way!

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